Friday, September 10, 2010

One of those days...

Today I thought I would share my hectic, embarassing- but comical morning...

After over a month of contact lens issues and multiple appointments with the eye doctor. I thought I was finally in the clear after I picked up my new lenses yesterday. But this morning as I was putting in my contacts I noticed that the left eye was the same prescription as the right eye.. which is not strong enough. I put it in anyway and am sucking it up until I can get back to the eye doctor, for the 3rd time. I can see, it's just not as clear in the left eye.

Fast forward to Starbucks.. today is pay day so I decide to treat myself with my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season. Yay! At the counter I realize I don't have my wallet so I tell the girl I need to run to my car for it. I don't see it on my front seat where I thought it should be and have to go back inside to tell the girl I have to run home for it. Doh! I would have just left but they had already started making the drink. I drive home (luckily only a few blocks away) and discover my wallet is not in my apartment. Argh! So I go back down to the garage and look in my car again. It had slipped in the crack between the seat and door. Oh joy, I just wasted ten minutes and I was already late to work. Back to Starbucks I get my drink and ignore the snotty look on the barista's face. Then I realize I really should get some gas in my car..

At the pump it doesn't take my card and tells me to go inside to the cashier. Grr. Inside I run my card through and the guys says it's not reading it or something and asks for my i.d. I have to go back to my car to get it and again it doesn't read it. He says the connection with the bank is offline or something but tries once more. Success! He said it's my lucky day. Ha ha Mister. If you only knew.. So I get into my car.. and drive off! Lol. Thankfully I glanced down at my gas gauge and realized I DIDN'T PUMP MY GAS! So I whip around and luckily make it back to my pump before anyone else gets there; all the while red in the face and avoiding the gaze of the man that had been behind me witnessing the whole thing. :) Back inside my car, gas finally pumped, I start my drive to work and my CD player switches CDs to the next which happens to be a random mixed set a friend made and the first song is a funny one about a guy who had "one of those days.." The grossest line being, "I got food poisoning, from a burger I found a band-aid on.." And so I started feeling better about my day. Heehee..

Next I'm walking to my building at work and I see the gate that is usually open is closed and locked. I struggle with it, hands full, while a bunch of children that aren't usually there look at me. Flustered, I give up and take the long way down some stairs. Inside a co-worker wonders why I came in that way and I tell her about the gate. I am informed you just need to reach over the gate and open it that way. Awesome. But at least she feels sorry for me and insists I take some candy.

Minutes later I'm at my desk, ready to work and go to pull out my earbuds for listening to music, and remember that they broke yesterday. :( Oh well, at least I didn't find out that my dog was gay...

Luckily all of these little mishaps did not put me in a bad mood and I am able to see there are much worse things in life and embarassing moments happens. Thankfully I am able to laugh at myself. =D