Friday, February 27, 2009


I guess it’s been a little while. Things have improved since my last blog. God is good! I am grateful for all the people that have been praying for me and my mom. She has been out of the hospital for over a month now and is doing very well. It was a bit of a process but she is finally on her way up. Dealing with someone who has bipolar is quite the roller coaster I must say. But God has always been so faithful. I’m so thankful that this time around was a lot easier and didn't last as long as other times. Also I am leaving next week for a 3 week trip in Australia. I cannot fully express how much I am excited and blessed by this vacation. And knowing that my mom is able to take care of herself again and feeling happy just makes it so much sweeter. I think I will actually be able to fully relax. Whew!

I feel bombarded by so much stimulation (as I'm sure many do, especially in L.A.) so I'm really looking forward to some time to rest my mind. Three weeks free from L.A. traffic, obnoxious billboards, being stuck at my desk sitting on my big butt all day staring at the computer typing typing typing (yes I know there is a greater purpose to my job than just that =D), the list could go on. For those people that don't get a break from those kind of things (and worse) I pray that you too will be able to get away for some R&R and de-fragging.
